Yoga against anxiety: 6 helpful exercises ( )

Simple yoga exercises promote your inner strength and calmness while reducing anxiety and stress. Practice every day!

Yoga against anxiety: 6 helpful exercises

If you practice daily, yoga can help against anxiety: you become calmer, concentrate on the here and now, and find peace. Yoga helps you balance body and mind, develop inner strength, and improve your mood. Try it!

The first yogis were mentioned in Indian texts (Vedas) 3,500 years ago. However, this discipline was probably already practiced in India 5,000 years ago. The need for psychological and physical balance has not changed in all this time. This ancient practice is therefore still very popular today. A study conducted at Alfonso X El Sabio University (Spain) showed that yoga is effective against anxiety because it

  • reduces the release of cortisol (stress hormone),
  • the sympathetic nervous system calms and
  • the pulse and circulatory strain are decreased.

We therefore recommend various positions that help against anxietyPractice them regularly!

Balance and inner strength: Yoga against fear

The following yoga positions are very simple, you don't need any experience. Stay in each position for 30 seconds to two minutes. Let's go!

1. Shavasana (the dead pose)

This very simple position allows you to breathe deeply. You lie on your back on a yoga mat, your arms at the sides of your body, your palms facing upwards. The legs fall apart easily. Shut your eyes and presently focus on your relaxing. Relax all your muscles as you consciously breathe in and out.

Yoga against anxiety: 6 helpful exercises

2. Balasana (Child Pose)

It's a simple, calming position: you relax while your body regenerates and finds balance. Balasana takes you back to your childhood and makes you feel safe.

You sit on your heels on the yoga mat, your knees and feet together. Now tilt your body forward as you exhale. Your bottom stays on your heels and your forehead touches the floor if your mobility allows it. If necessary, you can also place a pillow under your forehead. Breathe in and out deeply. Your spine will be stretched during this exercise.

If you practice this exercise before going to sleep, you can leave behind the tensions of everyday life and sleep more deeply.

Yoga against anxiety: 6 helpful exercises

3. Bhadrasana (the butterfly)

This yoga exercise is also very simple. It works against anxiety and tension while giving your hips more flexibility. Sit on your yoga mat with the soles of your feet touching while your knees fall outwards. Open them as wide as possible, as if they were the wings of a butterfly. During this exercise, the hands hold the feet.

Yoga against anxiety: 6 helpful exercises

4. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog)

It is one of the most famous asanas because this exercise is part of the sun salutation. You start on all fours with your legs hip-width apart. Now bring your bottom up until your body forms a triangle. Arms and legs are stretched. If this is not possible, you can bend your legs slightly and open them a little wider. Breathe in and out calmly during this exercise.

Yoga against anxiety: 6 helpful exercises

5. Uttanasana (standing forward bend)

This exercise also helps against anxiety. You relax your neck and back and learn to consciously perceive your body. This position requires great flexibility, which you can achieve through regular training.

You stand on the yoga mat (Tadasana) with your legs together, and your face and neck are relaxed. As you breathe out, bend forward while keeping your legs straight. With each breath, stretch and lengthen your body until your fingertips touch the floor. You may not be able to do it at first, but as you practice every day, your body will become more and more flexible.

Yoga against anxiety: 6 helpful exercises

6. Tadasana (the mountain pose)

With this asana you relieve the strain on your shoulders and back while you concentrate on your breathing and calm down. You stand upright with your feet together on the yoga mat, heels and toes touching. Your weight is evenly distributed between the heels and balls of your big and little toes. You stand there calmly and calmly and now raise your arms to the ceiling. The palms of your hands touch each other and you breathe out and in calmly and consciously.

Tadasana has a balancing, calming and strengthening effect.

Yoga against anxiety: 6 helpful exercises

Balancing body and mind

These yoga exercises have a calming and balancing effect on the body and mind. Practice it regularly and focus on your breathing. Also, practice the following breathing technique: Alternately hold one nostril and inhale slowly. Hold your breath briefly and then breathe out through the other nostril. Repeat this exercise a few times.

Yoga against anxiety: 6 helpful exercises

A study by the Jawaharlal Institute in India shows that this practice is good for the cardiovascular system and effective in reducing psychological symptoms such as anxiety. We recommend that you take a yoga class to train regularly and learn new techniques and positions.

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