Why exercise makes you happy: explosion of endorphins ( soratemplates-pro.blogspot.com )

Exercise has many health benefits and also promotes your mental well-being. Find out today how endorphins affect your well-being.

Sport makes you happy: Everyone who does sport knows the high feeling after exercise, which is triggered by the explosion of endorphins. These endogenous hormones have a positive effect on mood and at the same time relieve pain.

We as a whole skill significant activity is for our physical and psychological wellness. If you understand the connection between exercise and endorphins, you have another reason to exercise regularly.

What are endorphins?

Endorphins are neuropeptides with morphine-like effects that are released by nerve cells and bind to opioid receptors to regulate various bodily functions such as pain or hunger. They are made up of a group of peptides with four amino acids and are involved in the production of sex hormones, among other things.

Why exercise makes you happy: explosion of endorphins

Its euphoric effect is particularly well-known, which is achieved, among other things, through sport and other positive events: dancing, taking a walk in nature, listening to your favorite music, having an interesting conversation with friends, or watching a funny film.

Why sport makes you happy

Endorphins are released during exercise, but this is a complex topic that requires further study as not all questions have been answered yet. However, we know that the following factors, among others, play a role:

Why exercise makes you happy: explosion of endorphins

Sport and intensity

The release of endorphins depends, among other things, on whether the sport is aerobic or anaerobic. Aerobic training refers to endurance sports such as jogging, swimming, or Nordic walking. Aerobic energy metabolism begins with a low training load, while anaerobic metabolism requires intensive training sessions (e.g. strength training, sprinting, HIIR).

A study from the University of Cantabria shows that anaerobic exercise increases levels of lactic acid, which is linked to the production of endorphins. This could not be determined in aerobic sports. In any case, further examinations are expected to all the more likely grasp these connections.

Why exercise makes you happy: explosion of endorphins

The intensity of the sport definitely plays a role. However, the individual requirements must be taken into account: Well-trained people have to exert less effort, even during intensive exercises, than people with poorer physical condition. You therefore also need more intensive training to stimulate the production of endorphins.

A study from the National University of Asunción generally recommends moderate-intensity exercises. Gentle exercises promote well-being, but you won't experience an explosion of endorphins.

Music is a plus

Endorphins are also released when listening to music. In combination with sport you can benefit twice, but don't forget to choose the right music. It should have an energetic rhythm to create a good mood. Music can also motivate you and improve your endurance because it has an ergogenic effect, which means that it promotes athletic performance.

Why exercise makes you happy: explosion of endorphins

Explosion of endorphins

Endorphins make you addicted to more:  you feel good when you exercise and experience a high that you want to repeat. This is particularly the case in competitive sports when athletes push themselves to their physical limits. The high experience through the release of endorphins motivates you to continue training. However, if addictive behavior actually occurs, those affected need professional help.

Why exercise makes you happy: explosion of endorphins

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